jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

WEBSITES put the look on Facebook - the nation. com. py

National Gaming Commission has put his eyes in free sweepstakes on Facebook. Lorraine Azucas dancer has been intimada by the websites to submit documents by a promotion launched by the day of the mother, through your Facebook profile. The controversy unleashed: should pay royalty sweepstakes on Facebook?

Wednesday, 12 SET 2012 - 11: 45 am |

According to the document, the same dancer made public in the social network websites the intimate to the presentation of documents that support the prize, for the calculation of the fee to pay. The request covers - advises writing - in the classification of the sorteod within the game mode called of "random combinations and/or Chance provided for in article 3 paragraph 6 of Act 1016 / 1997."

The reaction of the dancer on Facebook was swift and published it: "websites: for giving me wants to get silver." I'm not no timbera...! Now for wanting to offer a scholarship "free" want me to collect? "

In another section of his long disclaimer on Facebook says: "Means that you get to get the juice, better that silver people up on social networks".

The situation already generated interest in Facebook and people react:

ever Gamarra: "Hello Lorena reads this: publicity: is a form of commercial communication (i.e. paid) you are trying to increase the consumption of a product or service through the media"

"End of promotion: set of activities whose objective is to know something or increase your sales" and in his shortest definition, defines it as the "action and effect of promoting". Are tools used in sales promotion (samples, coupons, vouchers, advertising gifts, prizes, discounts, events, sales contests, internet) (is a free means) "."

Click here to read the Act 1016/97

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