martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

Facebook reveals how is friendship between users of different... -

09/11/2012 The social network announced the presentation of a map of world friendship illustrating in a simple way how they relate to the members in different Nations

The social network Facebook unveiled an interactive map to illustrate why some countries have many relationships with others.

Close ties with Spain, Chile, Peru, Paraguay and Uruguayare observed in the case of the Argentina.

In November 2011, Facebook said that the "six degrees of separation" theory was incorrect.

The social network reviewed the 721 million accounts at that time and concluded that the chain of acquaintances that relate to a subject and another is exactly 4.74 and not 5.28 as he was believed.

Who are about users? Facebook tries to answer that question with the presentation of a map of world friendship illustrating in a simple way how they relate to users in different countries.

Map is displayed as a set of bubbles of greater or lesser size, depending on ties between the two countries, and allows you to learn why it is so, reported portal

The Argentina, for example, has strong ties with Spain, Peru, Paraguay, Chile and Uruguay.

The social network says that "its comparatively stable economy and diverse job market makes the Argentina to receive strong waves of immigration from neighbouring countries".

According to the data offered by Facebook on your map, based on the international migration organization, the Argentina received in 2012 191,000 immigrants from Chile, 158,000 from Peru and Paraguay from 551.000.

"One of the most interesting and unexpected findings was to see Brazil is closely linked to Japan," said the leader of the project of Facebook, Mandy Zibart.

According to the data of the same organization, the Brazilians are the third group of immigrants towards the Asian country, a fact that was known for decades, but ignored by Facebook prior to the study.

"There are a lot of interesting data on the map," said Zibart.

"Making a map of the world friendship" is one of the initiatives referred to in Facebook Stories, a space where social network tries to show the world how your users use the site.

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