Etxebarr?a is pronunci? about the esc?ndalo of v?deo er?tico spread to social networks trav?s ensuring that "prefer me governs someone well pastry, because the evil pastry complies with the popular saying that he fucks her not you fuck".
In his opinion, "if it was sent to her husband, her lover or her cousin Mari it does not interfere in their ability to gesti?n". In this sense, a?adi? that "having people who had been 17 million euros, which have made airports which have been plat?...", the writer does not understand "that this se?ora has to resign due to masturbation".
"How dangerous ser?a that not masturbara", continu?, always defending the posture of the Mayor of the town La Mancha, which finally has not left his post as a result of the esc?ndalo.
Since he was was a?n far m?s and apunt? that "we have a King who takes eight a?os with a lover and aqu? around the world have lovers and does not pass anything...", while in this point rectific? to say that "not everyone, I have a lover".
As to the esc?ndalo of their nude photos, aprovech? the debate to explain that, although in a principle that the uploaded hab?a herself, confes? this s?bado revel? that was not as?, but prefiri? this opci?n to avoid greater evils and aprovech? to ask for apologies to his farcical who sospech? at first.
As? things, to Oblivion Hormigos s?lo was missing in his extensive culebr?n aportaci?n Sunday tuitera Arturo P?rez Reverte. C?MO is usually normal, the writer aprovech? on the Sunday afternoon to discuss the news of the week to all Twitter, and the issue of the Councilor not pod?a miss: "all my support, which does not resign and annoy the meapilas and interested lynchers." Up to ah? of agreement. And to continue so pretty and so cool, stomping. "But silly, what is being said silly, reconozc?moslo, the se?ora is stupid contest", sentenci?.
In his view, "at this point, in this pa?s ca?nes, envious and miserable, sending orgasms by tel?fono": "We must be panoli".
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Sunday, September 09, 2012
There last night was t?mbola in Tele 5 and toc?... tach?n... oblivion Hormigo, matter brought affair and taken by several characters and cartoon.To the left three weights heavy verbal incontinence, of the acuseo, the insult, the exhibition sordidness. In the mouth of a descocada exhibitionist who has won fame and money with his books escatol?gicos and morbid, Luc?a Echevarr?a, throwing hand of his caustic verbiage for the masturbaci?n without l?mites and quiet; the second a se?ora c?ustica because of his separatist militancy which praises any manifestaci?n sexual especially if it contains morbid and the third a closet Grandpa that already is him pas? rice but which continues to present itself as the champion of sexual freedom unhindered but with viagra applauding the possibility without limits giving the integral masturbaci?n.All marinated with accusations and other niceties against the other side as not favour the use of that type of satisfactions intimate.But what not quieron interested clarify was by qu? this be caught intent? of own motus or bad aconsajada to launch accusations the Party of Government of the Town Hall and not be preocup? before about emotional situaci?n, l?bido, exposed to be known because of his poor discernment and appropriate or inappropriate to their acci?n.By qu? all these who sit to the left quer?an take the guilt unless all that was really guilty, perhaps acuciada by an overriding need.
# Posted by: OSAKA
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