jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

By pulling on the rope of Apple: Facebook, ATandT and other telecoms - analytical. com

  Secci?n: Strategies of Inversi?n - An?lisis


Laura de la Quintana, Redacci?n strategies Inversi?n

If we look at Facebook this mi?rcoles is for the following informaci?n of all the rumorolog?a with which Apple hangs. "One of the key issues" of the new iPhone 5 is that "include a native integraci?n of two social networks: Facebook and Yelp", pr?cticamente unknown in Espa?a.
The contagion effect is reflected in a c?lculo - for some incre?ble, in the literal sense m?s of the word - has the giant Apple featuring Nicholas Carlson for Business Insider. Sales of the new iPhone 5 podr?n assume a growth of American GDP of "between 5% and 25 %" for four quarters. The expert speaks of "three steps":
-d?lares 400 x 8 million iPhone?s evaluates to 3.2 billion d?lares
-d?lares x 3.2 billion four quarters: 12.8 billion d?lares
-d?lares 12,800 million represents 33% of wealth
? C?lculos, in any case, they are based on the Michael Feroli, JP Morgan analyst and giving an almost national dimensi?n to the new release. In this context, appears to Facebook. Earn a 50% ca?da s?lo since started the a?o; in the ?ltimo month amounts to - 12.5%. Yet sorprend?an - or not, qui?n knows - the words of the CEO of the compa??a, Marck Zuckerberg to announce last week that mantendr? their t?tulos during pr?ximo a?o. ?Informaci?n privileged?
Austin Smith, Fool, a?ade to the list of beneficiaries to Groupon, but above all, Zynga, the leading provider of Facebook games. "Get in the eye to these compa??as", says the expert, "Facebook deserves a place in your portfolio".
But, ?qu? brings espec?ficamente Apple to Facebook? A m?vil device. Currently, this type of support reports a profit very peque?o for the social network and "the dilemma now is seeing c?mo make these applications something effective m?s", says John Mylant for The Montley Fool.
The cuesti?n is c?mo a?adir to this kind of advertising applications to instruct it to be profitable to Facebook. Chris Cunningham, co-founder and CEO of Appsavy, recalls that "advertising" or "breaks" are considered "normal" in televisi?n, then "habr?a search forms natural break this in the m?viles and tambi?n between different levels of games". Quiz?s is the way in which Facebook can lick the wounds.
The other ends of the rope
Analysts have it clear to se?alar to certain telecoms among which saldr?n won, but tambi?n to lose. The judgment against Samsung in relaci?n to the rectangular shape of smartphones podr?a precedent for other compa??as in similar circumstances. As points David Goldman in CNN Money as "it is the case of Nokia, Motorola, and RIMM, the manufacturer of the Blackberry.
At the other end, Amazon podr?a put the lace to a 43% annual revalorizaci?n. While the greater benefit is quiz?s AT & T giant that competes in the same league as Google and Apple to level burs?til. At the moment, accumulates a 23% rise in sinton?a with the American tecnol?gico sector. And they joined Verizon and Sprint, seg?n Deustche Bank expert. "We are revising upward our estimates as a reflection of the good behavior that we hope you will take the launch of Apple", said Brett Feldman.
Podr?an ties reach even to the other three companies where giant Apple decides to continue with the help of Skywords Solutions, Qualcomm, and TriQuint as its component manufacturers. The cuesti?n is no longer qui?n manufactures the novelty, but qui?n or with qui?n sold. Habemus new iPhone.


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