SEG?n data on the same social network, in Argentina there are over 15 a?os users 19.117.040. Of course, there is need to consider that a person can have multiple accounts or that there are accounts of institutions or pets, for example. So from the same p?gina of Facebook warns that the c?lculo is approximate.
SEG?n this same estad?stica, in the province - taking the greater Mendoza and its surroundings to 80 km radius, m?s SanRafael - there are 675.160 accounts created on Facebook, which represents approximately 3.5% of the total of the pa?s. By way of comparaci?n, Capital Federal has 7.129.480 people in the social network (37%).
For the case of Mendoza, these almost 700 thousand? Facebookers ' represented 39.2% of the local poblaci?n connected to the social network, which places it in fifth place among the districts of pa?s many m?s on Facebook, detr?s of C?rdoba, Capital, province of Buenos Aires and Rosario.
Adem?s, seg?n a report recently prepared by the consulting firm comScore - one of the prestigious m?s worldwide in the field of internet - Argentines are "world champions" in the time we spend in this social network: almost ten and a half hours a month on average per user, leading the rankings for Thai envelope and israel?es. Meanwhile, Argentina second est? (Russia despu?s) with an average of 10.4 hours per visitor per month where the list contains all the social networks.
Adem?s, should be noted that Facebook has 93% of penetraci?n in our society (i.e., between those who use the internet in the pa?s), being the preferred - not is a mystery - across Linkedin and Twitter.
These data were collected by comScore in June 2012 and only midi? when network connections were made from home or work. In the age of the visitors that are us? to the elaboraci?n of the work is over the age of 15 onwards a?os.
With these n?meros, what is demonstrated is that Facebook has come to stay, and every time est? m?s omnipresent in our lives.
Always at hand
This social network was gradually gaining space in the customs of the Mendoza. So much that today a company when it comes to advertising continues to create a p?gina or a user profile to promote your service or product.
The same applies when we got on a collective. It is f?cil observing many people who stare at your cell phone and that from time to time outlines a smile, possibly product of a witty post of one of his friends.
The hours that we dedicate to the stellar creaci?n Mark Zuckerberg has increased with the passing of the a?os. The Mendoza Alexandra Sananes (24) reflej? this story from his own experience: "Removed the time to other activities." "To the concentraci?n mainly", admiti?, adding that where m?s uses is in the workplace and labor issues. But tambi?n reconoci? that "use it as a means of direct m?s contact with friends, as informaci?n on events and to feed my musical tastes".
For its part, Facundo Piazza (28), fot?grafo and Bachelor of Comunicaci?n, opin? the Facebook is a great commercial ally. "The face addicts consume that are ah?, is like my photo course s?per-turbo-diesel," said in a funny tone but revealing a truth.
Claudia Cabello (27) gave their reasons and their porqu?s ensuring that all est?n in the famous network friends and that this is one of the excuses to spend your time at the computer. "The abr? in ?poca of faculty because needed it to do group work." "Despu?s until the d?a of today and that use it m?s that nothing interesting things that are in the dise?o and the programaci?n", explic?.
Anyway, Claudia agreg? that "there are people who can't stop posting permanently." "I'm still doing my things: gym, life with friends, outdoors and dem?s".
Although the consulted three claimed that can't imagine life without Facebook, was Facundo which gave a possible alternative from your daily activity, to quit. "In the future the cerrar?a when you have all the contacts you need secured, many fot?grafos or galer?as of art." "Tambi?n If there is a means of difusi?n for my laburo with good p?blico such as Flikr", describi?.
For those who work with advertising on Facebook is ?til to mention the words of Andr?s Gonz?lez, web developer of leap, a company specializing in eCommerce and Social Media Marketing, who asegur? who prefer to promote their products by these networks before investing in traditional advertising from its place.
"To work with social networks you must take into account two things." First that one must not speak s?lo of oneself, because fans need something to serve them. Why you must invest time in quality content for a target p?blico. "Then comes the commercial cuesti?n and positioning", explic? with expert voice.

Pain on both sides of the mountain range invadi? when yesterday was conoci? the death of 6 a?os of the Argentine model and the Chilean actor ni?a. The message of the family.

To trav?s our website ?Periodismo to todos? can be seen. In Mendoza, the televisi?n over the air or cable issue this period?stico program.
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