martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

US Catholic Bishops opened Facebook page in Spanish - iglhrc

Washington • the Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB, by its acronym in English) United States today launched a page on Spanish in the social network Facebook, with the aim of achieving more effectively to Hispanic Catholics.

The page will highlight a variety of up-to-date Conference information on news, issues concerning the Catholic Church and resources for the development of the faith, according to a statement released by the USCCB.

To tell the Bishop John Wester of Salt Lake City, President of the USCCB, the launch of this page Communications Committee responds to the reality of the Hispanic membership in United States.

"Hispanics represent 16 percent of the total population U.S., almost 40 percent of Catholics and 50 per cent of Catholics under 25 years of age," he said.

Wester considered "essential importance involving this population sector, particularly through the expansion of social networks, and provide accurate and quality information that will encourage them to grow in their faith".

A message by video in Spanish included in the new page, Bishop Jaime Soto, of the Diocese of Sacramento, California, Chairman of the USCCB Cultural Diversity Committee, spoke of contributions "of culture and faith that Hispanics bring to this country and to our Church".

The page includes the article "ordinary things, extraordinary love: Mother Teresa and Latin America", written by David Van Biema of the magazine TIME, the labour missionary Mother Teresa from Tijuana, Mexico to Chile.

The author describes her religious work with the poor and as the missionaries of charity had been established in 65 cities in Latin America.

The article is accompanied by a collection of photos showing Mother Teresa in his early work, helping the poor and the sick, its connection with the Virgin of Guadalupe and a chapel in Tijuana built in his name.

Launch website coincides with the Hispanic Heritage month and the dissemination of new figures by the USCCB, reflecting the rapid growth of the Hispanic presence in the diocese and Archdiocese in the country.

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